They hoped to make a trade to acquire a pick in the top ten as the team coveted Martin Gelinas and Teemu Selanne.
At the end of the season, there are Regional and State Finals, which teams covet winning, or at least placing high among the ranks.
Many other teams covet Tkachuk as well.
This time it is the Vikings' coaches whom Dallas and other teams covet.
Every team covets Clemens.
Would you believe the Mets actually have a young pitcher other teams covet?
If that were so, it would leave the Mets battling Philadelphia for Glavine, whom both teams covet.
As one league executive responded when asked why teams would covet Anderson, despite his sometimes erratic play: "Wasn't he an All-Star two years ago?
It is a common practice when another team covets a player.
Many teams, including fantasy, would covet a goal-line bulldozer with above average hands.