In instances where there is reason to suspect serious problems, teams of skillful, highly experienced investigators should dig deeper.
Both teams dug in down the stretch.
He and his team manually dug holes of 80 to 100 ft in depth for this tricky hill slope development.
Although they saw no physical evidence of the footpaths on the ground, the team dug trenches to confirm their existence through archaeological investigation.
The team also dug to the base of the deposits in the west end.
Rhino is itself written in Java, so the team can easily dig into the source code whenever they find bugs or limitations.
His teams had dug and they had drilled.
Just inside the main wall, teams of marines dug shallow bunkers in the orange, sandy soil.
The team really dug down and played extremely well.
To find the site, a team of archeologists supported by the National Geographic Society dug in 15 places within a 70-square-foot area.