But as the teams endured sweltering training camps last month, they were studies in stolidness.
The team endured some growing pains in 2011, though they scored seven top tens, Jason finished 15th in points.
Maybe it was true one week ago, before both teams endured bouts with suspect baseball.
The team endured a six-game losing streak to conclude the season at 2-12.
Both teams shot spottily and endured long stretches without a field goal.
The team endured a terrible first season in their new home.
The Yankees have the kind of starting corps that prompts people to say the team will not endure an extended losing stretch.
Given the trauma the manager and his team have endured much of the season, especially the last few weeks, they had reason to be ecstatic yesterday.
Following the 1970s success, the team endured nine consecutive losing seasons beginning in 1978.
But the 2009 season was the same season that the team endured in 1999.