Shortly thereafter, Hatfield led a team of personnel to expedite the amendment of the city's budget to reflect the depleted revenue base.
Jamaica sent a team of 168 military and medical personnel to Port-au-Prince.
Twelve staff, working in six shifts are supported by a team of engineers and administrative personnel.
The Air Force began its inquiry last month, and a team of senior personnel from the Pentagon arrived on Wednesday.
It takes a team of personnel to make the productions successful not just on person.
The entire complex is managed by a team of highly qualified personnel.
The senator had handpicked a team of medical personnel, ready to administer whatever emergency treatment Vanessa might require on the flight back to Washington.
A team of medical personnel attempted to resuscitate Jackson for more than one hour.
Each lieutenant has a team of specialized personnel that was brought together from various bureaus.
A select, high-powered team of medical personnel and xenbees has been assembled and permitted to enter a hibernatory to see exactly what does happen.