For a year, Gonella's team researched the application of dressings with nanocrystalline silver.
Instead of forgetting the idea the team researched the previous record which stood at 21,691 miles (34,908 km) and was set in 1994.
Since the late 20th century a French team led by Jean Leclant has been researching the site.
Some teams will research technology to kill bases, others just focus on combat ships.
Since 1973 a Japanese team has been researching the bonobo population near the village of Wamba in 1973.
At the office, the team researches the building's history for a clue to the ghost's identity, which might hint how to get rid of it.
Your team will also research upgrades for your existing bike to increase its performance.
Whenever an answer is not known, the team will research it and, if possible, direct the youngster to a more appropriate organisation.
The creative team researched child psychology, ensuring they could depict realistic action and consequences without fueling nightmares.
Forero and his team are researching a new targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer.