He enjoyed his greatest team success during the 1983-84 campaign.
One reason for the strong team success is the presence of numerous individual athletes who then succeed at the next level.
You want to be out on the field and play," he said, "but team success is the most important.
Each one of you is responsible for team success!
You're not looking for two or three guys to step up, but a whole variety to have a team success.
The change would not provide the team success, finishing last place with a 2-10 record.
"I'm in a situation where individual accomplishments come through team success," Hoffman said the other day.
"It's always going to be hard to go back, but the team success is more important than the individual success."
"Without team success, the individual stuff doesn't come to much."
The grand slam and the team success we had, when I did think about the season, that was the focus.