The second is a military compound on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, where the forensic team unearthed 30 bodies with ropes around their necks.
In 1818, Scott and a small team of military men unearthed the honours from the depths of Edinburgh Castle.
Over six weeks, the team unearthed the first evidence of a lost culture that had been obliterated by the Tambora eruption.
Canvassing area wine shops, Jacobi's team had unearthed a few names, nothing more.
The team unearthed the location of the original Deere Blacksmith Shop where the first successful steel plow was developed in 1837.
My team of evidence recovery technicians was unearthing and mapping its skeleton when I looked up to see a special agent approaching through the trees.
The team also unearthed a bone flute in the cave, and found two fragments of ivory flutes in nearby caves.
His team has unearthed ancient architectural fragments, coins, gems, pots, tools and weapons.
A team of European and Israeli archaeologists at a dig in southern Greece have unearthed the oldest known clay fireplaces made by humans.
The team slowly unearthed a "catacomb that resembled a house," Dr. Skory said.