The dull ones were streaking back for the marshes of Alta, tearing bits of their harness off as they went.
Her remark brought Jeremy such a look of thwarted purpose Alicen thought he would tear something-or someone-to bits.
Same gluey envelope - it wouldn't open - I tore bits off.
Finally, there are Andre Haluska's color photographs of shapes made by folding, tearing or crumpling bits of paper.
You couldn't poison a splinter or a nail because he wouldn't keep on nicking himself. . . There was a book half-buried in the papers, but it had a lot of bookmarks in it, mostly torn bits of old letters.
She had a whole plastic bag of cotton wool and tore bits off it the wrong way, tugging at it and not getting anywhere.
"She's just like all the rest of them, reaching out for a piece of him, tearing bits of him away and devouring him, they're all cannibals."
He loved biting into the mustard yellow flesh, green skin and all, tearing bits with the edges of his teeth, teasing the fruit, sucking on the succulent sourness within.
I could feel the hands tearing bits of flesh from Ms. Harrison.
The creature's teeth gnashed wildly, tearing finger-sized bits from the wood.