A man turned and looked after her as she tore past a brightly lighted store on Water Street.
There were very few cars, and those 85 tore past them, their only aim to get to the other side as quickly as possible.
He was tearing past the station, and he saw the box car down on the lower level of the siding.
She jerked, shuddered, as a moan tore past her lips.
Every few seconds a plasma burst came from a different location and tore past them.
A police car, beacon flashing angrily, tore past them in the opposite direction.
I felt the concussions of great guns tear past me through the murk.
But wait tUl they start seeing lorries tearing past their garden gates.
His smile, so purely masculine, tore past her defenses.
A thick cry tore its way past Angus' teeth.