She looked up at me with tears rimming her eyes.
He saw tears rimming her blue eyes, tears that washed away Drizzt's anger, that told him that what had happened between himself and Catti-brie had apparently not been so deeply buried.
What a laugh, he thought bitterly, tears rimming his eyes.
When the rage had played itself out, Drizzt stood over the burly man, trembling and with tears rimming his lavender eyes.
When he looked up, Pitt was surprised to see tears rimming his eyes.
She looked at him, tears still rimming her eyes.
Across the profile of Vladov's AKS-74 assault rifle, as John Rourke looked at him where they stood beside the massive brass doors, Rourke could see tears rimming the Soviet Special Forces captain's eyes.
When he looked more closely at her, Francis realized that she had tears rimming her eye.
"I know that now," Athena said, gazing at him, tears rimming her eyes.