A tearful teen-age girl, flanked by her solemn parents, confessed to having run a stop sign.
A tearful girl with a bomb-shattered leg said, 'Who is going to marry me now', but said she was not in pain.
Four tearful girls who don't want to go to Nancy's party stand wearing their party dresses, defiantly looking up at some unseen figure much taller than they, listening.
I know how she feels, Milo thought, breathing a sigh of relief as Faal grudgingly plucked the tearful girl from the air.
She looked up at him, and his mind slipped back through the years, to a moment in a courtyard, when he said farewell to a tearful girl.
The boys looked awkward in ill-fitting suits, and at least one tearful girl wore a prom dress.
He encounters Charlotte's younger sister Sophie but the tearful girl does not understand his distressing behavior.
He couldn't picture this womanly arrival as the slender, tearful girl who had shrunk, frightened, from his touch when he clamped the bracelets on her.
"It is a matter of honor," he said gravely, as he helped the tearful girl to her feet.
Ms. Williams contributes the show's most disturbing work, in which a tearful girl holding a kitten is seen through the hairy legs of a naked man.