Witness his po-faced sincerity and her tearful reaction to being in the bottom two a fortnight ago.
Her touched, tearful reaction is the response of someone who feels so emotionally worn down that any small sign of sympathy or kindness seems amazing.
But the Jackson supporters seemed almost exhausted from the emotional high point of the night before, when their candidate's own speech on behalf of the impoverished set off a powerful, proud and at times tearful reaction.
His tearful reaction to losing to Nadal in the Australian Open in February failed to charm (me, at least); the whole "chasing history" bit was starting to slide into gruesome psychodrama.
Steinbrenner did so on national television, where he also displayed, for all to see, his tearful reaction to the sudden death of the man of whom he spoke so glowingly.
Early on, Mr. Keith spied a few soldiers in uniform in the front row, and the night's most moving moment came when a camera displayed their tearful reaction to the audience's long ovation for them.
"It was like 'King Lear,' " he recalled of his father's angry, tearful reaction.
Asked about his tearful reaction, Woods said: "I finally had no other shots to play.
'If Ringle heard her, he'd come to the door,' Afra said quickly, to forestall Damia's tearful reaction.
He provided such personal details as his wife's tearful reaction when he reluctantly accepted President Nixon's nomination in 1971.