Crystal, keeping a promise made earlier, is forced to kill Cyclona in a tearful scene rather than allow her to be captured.
It was an emotional, angry and tearful scene in the locker room.
Among the tearful scene, the they are sent in Palanquin with gift presentation and food materials.
They were then reunited with their wives and families in tearful scenes broadcast live on national television.
There is a tearful scene of reunion.
Not once did I use glycerine for tearful scenes".
Amid the tearful scenes of reunion were harsher images of war.
One marine described a joyous, tearful scene as the marines came upon the prisoners.
But then the electors of Leyton decided to reject him amid tearful scenes, strangling his political career.
At the 2004 Olympics, he won a bronze medal and left his shoes on the mat in a tearful scene that announced his retirement.