The high point of the trial so far came in three weeks of often tearful testimony by the defendants, ending last month, as they told of killing their parents.
The defendant, who conducted his own rambling defense, appeared unmoved by the tearful testimony of his victims and their relatives.
Along with Hightower, superintendent George Camp was also charged with negligence, but was acquitted after several hours of tearful testimony.
In his heavy French accent, he ridiculed the tearful testimony of several family members who told the jury how profoundly the attacks had affected their lives.
At a meeting called by parks officials on March 9, about 50 cat advocates and caretakers showed up, many delivering tearful testimonies and tirades.
In tearful and compelling testimony, both brothers admitted to the killings but said they had acted in self-defense.
Mr. Turner, in tearful testimony to the jury, said the report had cost him the election.
There was also tearful testimony from the mother of Michael Griffith, the black man who was killed when he was struck by a car during the incident.
Some of them gave lengthy and often tearful testimony.
Following Shoemaker's tearful testimony, she was promptly acquitted.