While Prince Charles sympathized with his tearful wife he insisted that the royal roadshow had to go on.
After the necessary preparations for the journey had been completed, Izo took leave of his tearful wife and children and set off in a southwesterly direction.
An Oxford music scholar witnesses Albert Schweitzer mercilessly berating his tearful wife for pulling out the wrong stops when he is playing the organ.
Titus Dark on the way home was importuned by a tearful wife to give up swearing.
Many were accompanied by tearful wives and lovers and mothers.
Husbands grow tearful remembering young wives who died from cancer, blood disorders, and other diseases.
Across the street from the penitentiary, tearful wives of inmates gathered to await news.
"no, jared," his tearful wife began, hardly noticing the distant gunfire.
James had tried in vain to placate and reason with his tearful wife.
Dr. Minden cried, rushing to his tearful wife.