Wally looks at Erszebet, hoping to replace the vision of the woman's teary face.
On his teary face is an expression of blissful astonishment.
Billygonequeer nodded and smiled, his sad, teary face suddenly lighting up.
Secretary Camella wavered between radiant smiles and a teary face.
Without changing position, the girl turned a teary face to Saint-Ex and said, "He can't hurt me, really.
She flung herself on him again, kissing him with her teary face, bearing him back against the brush.
"I want him,"Sally wailed, hiding her teary face in her sister's neck.
The headboard mirror shows her teary face, the quivering lower lip, the shocked open mouth as the belt lands.
Strand wished that he could get Hitz into a dark corner and slap the teary face.
She let him have just a confirming glimpse of her teary face, although why she was prolonging their association, she hadn't a notion.