Blake is highly regarded for his technical acumen as a production manager and lighting designer.
He has the knowledge and technical acumen to determine what is right.
Invariably, the speaker's tonal character depends not only on the designer's technical acumen but also on an appreciation of the esthetics of musical sound.
All their stop-and-start, fret-ripping, finger-cracking, knotty riffology and technical acumen are on full display.
We saw George Lucas break through to levels of rank commercialization and technical acumen that Hollywood had never dared to imagine.
The bow tie hints at intellectualism, real or feigned, and sometimes suggests technical acumen, perhaps because it is so hard to tie.
Building this new home pushed us to the limits of our resources and technical acumen, to say nothing of our resolve.
Chipiez's drawing reflect his technical acumen as well as his artist abilities.
Is the necessary technical 'acumen on the team?
Currently, the fastest-growing group of job hunters are those with less technical acumen, who are now posting their resumes in far greater number.