Beginning in November 2002, "technical assessments" took place in each country to "help focus training and other capacity building resources."
Participation and local knowledge can be of great value, but should not be a substitute for rigorous technical assessment where this is necessary.
At the moment the survey results are being considered for preparing technical and economical assessment.
The technical assessment is certainly at odds with the hopes expressed by environmentalists.
There is a registered admission examination and technical assessment.
At no point did he specifically criticize any Iraqi failure to cooperate, sticking to a cool and technical assessment of the events.
This will involve providing assessment, information, technical know how, services and counselling.
This will also lead to an increase in confidence in technical assessment and the information content on labels.
A decision would also, of course, be political, but it must rely primarily on technical assessments.
In addition to momentum, volume indicators and the price chart may also influence a technical assessment.