There is also a version of the Plancherel theorem which makes sense for non-commutative locally compact groups satisfying certain technical assumptions.
Using more optimistic economic and technical assumptions, however, Social Security faces no problem over the 75-year period used to assess its financial soundness.
Usually additional technical assumptions on the topological space are made to exclude pathological cases.
Much of the rest was a result of the economic slump and related changes in technical assumptions about tax revenue and spending.
Let C be a plane curve (the precise technical assumptions are given below).
This construction was generalized by Lusztig (1981), who also eliminated some technical assumptions.
And inaccurate technical assumptions accounted for an average underestimate of $9 billion a year in the 1980's thus far.
However he had made a harmless-looking technical assumption in setting up the problem which proved to be unduly restrictive.
With some additional technical assumptions one can then infer that states are given by density operators S so that:
Ignoring the technical assumptions and details in the statement, Nekhoroshev estimates assert that: