This section offers key information to assist program staff in understanding the design phase, technical criteria, and planning requirements.
Every font that meets basic technical and legal criteria is accepted for distribution.
The systems approach indicates that the two should be balanced on technical, economic and behavioural criteria (Table 1.8.).
We continue to explore yet another site with the garden, but so far, only the technical criteria are determined to be satisfactory.
Villages were selected based on purely technical criteria by the district water department without consultation with communities.
In addition, the technical criteria are at variance with those now common in the Europe of 15.
The selection procedure was conducted on the basis of financial and technical criteria.
There are technical criteria that China needs to fulfil, and it is making progress towards doing so.
Both countries have met all the technical criteria laid down by the European Union.
The bids were evaluated on the basis of technical and financial criteria combined in a single score.