A measure of technical experimentation runs throughout the gallery.
Langan's films typically involve technical experimentation, resulting in works that reinterpret time and images to create unique observations of familiar subjects.
Editing processes that deliberately produce artifacts often involve technical experimentation.
Some of the focal areas amateurs pursue include radio contesting, radio propagation study, public service communication, technical experimentation, and computer networking.
"We recommend that the Corporation support technical experimentation designed to improve the present television technology."
As in the first modern novels of the eighteenth century, technical experimentation in Verbivore is closely linked to generic conventions specific to the written text.
Over the many years of its construction, it was both an outlet for his technical and formal experimentation, and a focus for his architectural aspirations.
It involved using our 20,000-strong panel of TV viewers across the age, geographical and social demographic and a good deal of technical experimentation.
Music obviously has an important place, and depictions of jazz, dance and single instrument subjects reveal the greatest range of technical experimentation.
What's more, in the latter part of the show the technical experimentation does not take your breath away.