The first floor is reserved for the technical functions and is not accessible to the public.
It was retained on grounds of "performing a technical function which should remain independent from Government".
Forms embody and enable not only technical functions (utility) but "ways of life".
Employees in specialised or technical related functions, who aspire to a management function.
About 60% of its staff performs managerial, supervising or technical functions.
They were issued in groups of 10,000 - 9,999 numbers plus 0000 - because it simplified billing and other technical functions.
All technical, mechanical and staff-related functions to support such a facility are included within the Palace.
The Technological Architecture model is used to give an overview of the technical functions, and infrastructure needed to provide the service.
We must overcome the impression that European policies only have a technical function, with no long-term goal or enduring meaning.
The service was created to meet the technical and managerial functions of the government in areas related to telecommunications.