"We were trying to show a virtual tour on our Web site but weren't able to do it," because of technical hurdles, he said.
Whatever the technical hurdles, one thing is clear: many commuters would have plenty of time to use it.
There is no shortage of technical, commercial or even legal hurdles.
Getting light to change direction precisely and without losing energy is one of the technical hurdles.
This was launched with many technical hurdles Term 3 of 2007.
But even if significant technical hurdles can be cleared, fuel cell cars are years away.
Beyond the questions of market acceptance, there are still technical hurdles to overcome.
But there are some considerable technical hurdles in the way before Internet calling can be widely used.
I expect that there are a number of technical hurdles to making this work, but it sounds like a great idea.
Years of technical and political hurdles ultimately ended that plan.