"Bad" Painting was not a demonstration of technical incompetence, poor artistic judgement, amateur or outsider dabbling, although the term is commonly used for these.
It amounts to 'bad' painting, in the more general sense, of poor judgement, technical incompetence or outsider indulgence.
This was not done, largely due to the technical incompetence and personal animosity of William Henry Preece at the Post Office.
In the early years, this was less to do with protests from the outside than with poor decision-making and technical incompetence on the inside.
The famous tale of his tapes, including that 18 1/2-minute gap (which the program attributes to the President's technical incompetence), is briskly retold.
Few lawyers, doctors or other professionals are sanctioned by peer review boards for technical incompetence but rather for civil or even criminal lapses.
More people end up leaving a job because of human factors than because of technical incompetence, she said.
Murray alleged that Tiffany Pictures' crew had damaged her career by way of their technical incompetence displayed throughout the film.
Bias might lead a panel to misjudge facts, but technical incompetence would do equal harm.
Rocky Mountain radar has a reputation for technical incompetence [1].