Piranesi was primarily a printmaker, a technical innovator who extended the life of his plates beyond what was previously possible.
The company was an early technical innovator in the Web Cache and Proxy space.
CFMI was distinguished in its earlier years by being a technical innovator of early automation systems.
This would not matter so much if Pound had not been a great technical innovator in verse writing.
Kisaragi is a technical innovator always on the look out to acquire new resources and refurbish lost technologies to help their advancement.
He was a technical innovator, an influential teacher and an imaginative cameraman.
It cannot be given to many scientists to be outstanding as experimenter, technical innovator and teacher; Kuypers was unquestionably all of these.
He was also a technical innovator responsible for engineering changes in the aircraft he flew.
He was also a technical innovator who pioneered the use of machine guns, radios, and cameras in airplanes.
He is known as an eager and open-minded collaborator as well as technical innovator.