He is best known by air show fans and enthusiasts for his extremely complex and technical maneuvers.
When he first came out of the window, he had focused his attention on pitons, ropes and technical maneuvers.
This is more of a gimmick than a technical maneuver; this punch is not taught, being on the same plane in boxing technicality as is the Ali shuffle.
The alliance's vehicle at the moment is a technical maneuver requiring 60 votes to defeat.
They indicated that "few technical maneuvers in surgery (are) as dramatic or desperate as the use of the atriocaval shunt."
This technique allows freestylers to change the flight path of the disc and perform numerous balletic and technical maneuvers such as restricted pulls, holds, turnovers, and shoots.
The reciprocity of their superior and inferior positions is maintained both crudely Therapeutic Disruption 85 by the patient's defensive demands and subtly by the therapist's technical maneuvers.
Although Burnquist utilized the ramp's smaller section, he earned the bronze medal by pulling a technical maneuver called a switch-stance backside 180 no-handed ollie.
Ice dancing, frequently dismissed by other skaters for its inscrutable judging, apparent bloc voting and prohibition of technical maneuvers, relies more on artistry than athleticism.
The dollar, regarded as a haven, has been helped since Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on Aug. 2 The dollar's rise also reflected technical maneuvers coinciding with the end of the month.