Avoid including technical material not directly related to your space settlement.
He also says the books are supposed to be "interesting" to people, which precludes involving a lot of technical material.
If there was to be a transfer of technical material, it would take place just before they parted.
"I don't like dealing with that heavy technical material, anyway."
It has the largest collection on technical materials (science and engineering) in Turkey.
Individuals or organizations with access to an open source had the means needed to develop technical material for a variety of consumers.
I'd like to go into that some time later, once I've had a thorough reading of the technical material.
"I skimmed through it, but there's a lot of technical material there."
They came home from tour in mid-1999 and began to write newer, more technical material.
This is the technical material neither of us could handle before Kethrommon got here.