Sometimes, Marie-Jeanne and her colleagues fussed over technical minutiae.
It continually stopped its show to announce the type of computer being used, how much memory it had, its assembly language and other technical minutiae.
The talk in Nevada was technical minutiae - thrust ratios, fuel efficiency, altitudes.
Seven Pines generally focuses on the big questions of science rather than technical minutiae.
Pushing too slowly, he noted, can get researchers mired in technical minutiae, while pushing too fast can waste opportunities to perfect the method.
When discussing the technical minutiae of creating copies he suddenly reads like a no-nonsense instructor, glad to convey what he's learned.
The word's resonances were close to those of modern terms for individuals with obsessive interests in technical minutiae, such as nerd, trainspotter or anorak.
With the same finicky attention to detail, she also covers all the technical minutiae necessary on an outdoor movie set where each day brings a fresh disaster.
Even for competent lawyers, preparing for a bar examination in a new state is a time-consuming effort because the tests focus on technical minutiae of state law.
He was not a boy any longer, with marvelous reflexes and an ability to retain all sorts of technical minutiae.