The lab facilitates the training in analytic and technical strategies used for anticipating the future markets movements.
"This includes fundamental, quantitative and technical strategy."
As the senior vice president of research at Hewlett Packard, Banerjee helped develop technical strategies for the company.
Other factors, including the companies' business and technical strategies and their experience were also considered, officials said.
But the main question turns on the firm's technical strategy.
Behind the promise of benefits for users is a technical strategy that links Office more closely to other layers of Microsoft software.
It was not, really, for fans who enjoy technical strategy laced with malice and effort.
Thinking Machines, a privately held company, said its radical technical strategy had proved solid as a business direction.
Cheap trading, particularly online, has let investors exploit technical strategies far more easily.
Marcus Weldon is the the firm's chief technology officer, responsible for coordinating the technical strategy across the company.