Judges with insufficient technical understanding have no business making rulings on cases like this.
It's not something anyone can do," he said, "but if you have some technical understanding, it isn't that hard.
"Their technical understanding of the business is better than the prior team, because these guys are fresher from the front."
This incentive advanced the technical understanding of the resources themselves and of ways to develop them.
"It was bogged down due to lack of a good technical understanding of how serious the environmental problems were," he said.
Disclaimer: The information provided in these pages is based upon current scientific and technical understanding of the issues presented.
And people like Caroline Lucas, who have no technical understanding, play right into their hands.
He has certainly gained a reputation in committee for having an extremely good technical understanding of the subject matters involved.
A technical understanding, an engineering approach was not enough.
She had neither the time, the inclination, nor the technical understanding to read the full report.