Additionally, it has begun reaping the full benefits of its technical upgrades of the past decade and the switch to digital.
During the last two decades the company has directed roughly 60 percent of its spending to technical upgrades.
The plans were abandoned after 11 neighboring municipalities rejected giving grants for the necessary technical upgrades.
However, this appreciation coincides with the recognition of the urgent need for technical and logistical upgrades to the performance spaces themselves.
Starting in 1928, there were a large number of technical and equipment upgrades.
There are technical and system upgrades, such as optimization of loading times and improved network performance.
I blamed for making perfectly reasonable technical upgrades that made the site unavailable briefly on a weekend.
Other more minor technical upgrades improved the car's reliability and durability.
Also since a few years ago, some secondary technical upgrade has been made (for example, an electric starter).
A major restoration and technical upgrade was performed in 1995.