Still, even such a technical victory could be important for the boy's relatives in Miami.
Each of the four Israeli players was thus awarded a technical victory.
The Vice Squad had suffered another black eye, even in its technical victory.
While Monsanto can claim technical victory in the case, various other issues still remain open, and will likely be litigated in the future.
The ruling was a technical victory for the university, because the Second Circuit declared the regulation unconstitutional last year.
I realize you can always score a technical victory.
This month, they finally won a vital technical victory.
Her ability to sustain the solemn, simple tone of "Morgen" was both a musical and a technical victory.
As a result of that the referee ended the game and Maccabi were awarded a technical victory, thus winning a second double.
Surely they were not depending on some chivalrous dispensation to give the little girl the technical victory?