Lee was not a very technical wrestler, resorting more to brawling and cheating than to finesse.
This group of Horsemen has been called the greatest as far as technical wrestlers goes.
Created as the Sweet Science Sixteen in 2000 by Ian Rotten, the tournament was originally supposed to showcase the top technical independent wrestlers.
Guerrero was widely regarded as one of the most respected and gifted technical wrestlers in history.
Cena often makes references to Lombardi, even jokingly calling him the greatest technical wrestler of all time.
On September 30, 1972, Morales faced Bruno Sammartino in the first-ever match featuring two fan favorite, technical wrestlers.
These two men are excellent technical wrestlers and this match proved to be a demonstration of skill and holds.
The undefeated technical wrestler had never met an opponent with such brute strength as Foob, who went for the pin.
Gory Guerrero was a handsome and skilled technical wrestler, the exact opposite of Galindo's brawling character.
He would then set out to prove that he is the best technical wrestler.