Bryan Miller wrote in the Chicago Tribune in 1994: "... they are remarkably well-matched and technically dazzling in their tandem playing".
The proof starts mounting immediately, and irresistibly, in technically dazzling woodblock images that teem with beautiful colors, colorful characters and extremes of action and emotion.
The Daily Telegraph recognised the film as "even more technically dazzling" than Triumph of the Will.
Such technically dazzling stuff can often be hard to really love, and it is a little over-egged.
Rob James from Total Film gave the film 4/5 stars, stating: "This superstar crime thriller emerges as something surprising, fascinating and technically dazzling."
To the casual listener, Mr. Mosca's music is complex, swinging and technically dazzling.
Brief, intense and technically dazzling, Green Water, Green Sky was conceived and is published as a novel, but Gallant wasn't satisfied.
It's an athletic feat, technically dazzling, and yet it's like the Pompidou Centre, with all its innards showing.
An experimental vocalist and master of styles that include country and opera, Ms. Hirsch makes music that's expressive as well as technically dazzling.
In 1989, this teenager released a technically dazzling debut album that highlighted his rapid-fire delivery and the ace production of hip-hop mastermind Howie "Hitman" Tee.