Princess Gesine had argued that his adopted children were not technically entitled to her brother's fortune and therefore could not inherit, fearing that either of the children's surrogate mothers could launch claims on the fortune.
But Buckingham argues persuasively that the boy is too young to have sought sanctuary on his own, and thus not technically entitled to its protection.
Although technically entitled, aged 17, "to choose between French and British nationality" due to his birthplace, in 1942 he had little choice "and, with certain regrets... relinquished his French nationality."
Similarly, until his death, the last King of Italy, Umberto II, was technically entitled to be called His Majesty the King of Italy or Your Majesty.
Subsequent studies found indications of xenophobic attitudes towards these refugees, typified by their being denied access to the primary healthcare to which they were technically entitled.
She notes that while the Army Corps has the money to repair Federal levees, the funds available will not cover every repair to which local levee sponsors may be technically entitled.
Holder favors closing the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, although he has said that the detainees are not technically entitled to Geneva convention protections.
Although she is known by the national prefix HMS, meaning Her (or His) Majesty's Ship, she is not technically entitled to it as she does not hold a royal warrant.
A lawyer is technically only entitled to protect the confidences of his client within a very limited field.