The technicians had already arrived, as had uniformed officers-but only two of them.
A technician arrived, checked the Gate Ten board, and pronounced it in proper working order.
It was several hours into the fire before a technician who could adjust the valves arrived at the scene.
When the technician arrived to replace the chip that had blown, Bean asked him why the ships didn't just stop or keep drifting.
Others got a diagnosis quickly but had to wait until a cardiologist and the medical technicians arrived at the hospital.
The technician - actually a section chief - arrived with the moist prints.
A dental technician had arrived to provide new dentures - excellent!
The company's technicians arrived 28 minutes later, but it took them another hour to find the problem and get a computer started again.
One hour later the technicians arrived with the batteries.
A technician arrived and began to replace it but the machine remained out of service.