The robot, which operates on a 300-foot umbilical cord, is used to pick up devices while technicians operate it from a safe position.
The physician and technician operate the system by making adjustments to fine-tune the dissection.
Additionally, as theaters switch to digital screens they will have to hire technicians to operate and maintain them.
Followspot Operators - These technicians operate one or more followspots to track performers during a show.
In front of him, technicians operated the stadium's huge scoreboard.
An operator using joysticks moves the platform while another technician operates the camera.
The result is that he usually observes the skies only once or twice a year (and on most large telescopes, technicians, not astronomers, actually operate the equipment).
Attendants and technicians operate the door by the five- button console under the right-front headlight.
"Over here," Officer Crams said to Rick, leading him to a small white table at which a technician operated familiar equipment.
A sound technician operated a stereo recorder whose tape played the muted sounds of street traffic at a precise volume.