A technician followed him up, pulled the safeties on the ejection seat, and double-checked his harness.
The two technicians pulled crumpled slips of paper from their pockets and put them on the ramp.
The technician pulled on his chin.
A technician up on a high platform pulled his head from an access panel and called down:
Point of appearance is a generic term for any point in a telephone/data circuit from which a technician can test or pull stats.
At this point an anal technician mixes a bi- carbonate of soda and pulls the switch that reduces the earth to cosmic dust.
One technician pulled the capsule up a few inches and gave it a sharp jerk.
Before he could reply, however, some other technician had pulled the man away.
When medical technicians pulled his stretcher from an ambulance this morning, only his blue-and-green tennis shoes showed from beneath the white sheet covering his legs.
I cry-as the technician pulls a switch.