Having researched how people assess wine, Noble now teaches scientific techniques to describe it precisely.
This technique can describe any ontology, i.e., an overview and classification of concepts and their relationships, for a certain area of interest.
As you continue your education process you will find more and more instructors use techniques such as you have described.
The acid clearance test was performed using the technique originally described by Booth et al with some modifications.
In the 1960's, scientists had used the electron microscope and other techniques to describe the structure of the cell, Dr. Blobel recalled.
"His technique was very accomplished, but technique doesn't necessarily describe the quality of an artist."
His technique he describes as "firing blind".
Ann Radcliffe uses the technique of scene imagery to evoke emotion in characters and to describe landscapes and surroundings in extreme detail.
The technique described below avoids both problems offering excellent side-lobe suppression with no loss in resolution [ 50 ] .
The techniques are standardized, easily described in manuals for therapists, and can quickly help people with phobias, panic attacks and other problems.