The character's style determined which techniques the character could learn by spending less points.
Their defense is solid since they hold their hands high, a technique learned under the Soviet system, Safiullin said.
Could techniques learned from Byrd's case help others?
Caravaggio often used this technique and Vermeer probably learned it from a Caravaggist's painting.
A technique I learned years ago.
This gets easier to do once you trust that the four different techniques you've just learned really work.
She dozed, never sleeping soundly, a technique learned in childhood, when the world had been full of perils for the careless.
From her Mwynwen learned the techniques and spells for restoring burnt power channels.
Once a character has been played or a special technique learned, they become available in the versus mode.
That's is how the techniques and priorites learned in the Billy Graham crusades have helped us in this campaign.