Derivative though it may be, the simple, slab-sided body serves as a bridge between the full-of-helium look of the recent past and a sharp-edged techno style yet to come.
Roger Polak also did production work for that program and Steve was guest DJ a number of times, focusing on hard techno styles like Gabba House and artists on the Industrial Strength record label.
The Orb then shifted gears to a minimal techno style spearheaded by member Thomas Fehlmann, releasing its new material on the record label Kompakt.
His productions tend to fit mainly within the house music and techno styles of electronic music.
The use of motivic development (though relatively limited) and the employment of conventional musical frameworks is more widely found in commercial techno styles, for example Euro-trance, where the template is often an AABA song structure.
"Of all the executives we sat down with, Madonna knew more about the genre and the different techno styles than anyone," Mr. Fotiadis said.
Modern Samoan music shows influence from electrical instruments, jazz, and reggae, and even some house and techno styles.
This new album was a distinctly house production, featuring uplifting riffs and ambient effects, as opposed to the eponymous techno style of their previous release.
Using rap rock and techno styles, Hip hop duos such as Deux also were popular in the early 1990s.
The presets and drum sounds eschewed the typical General Midi specification, which was in vogue at the time, in favour of electronic and trance techno styles.