But Mr. Steiner has pointed to the Toronto exchange's frequent technological breakdowns as evidence that his electronic exchange should be given more freedom.
And the outage was only one of three technological breakdowns at Nasdaq since July 14.
Yorke does not directly explain his lyrics, but "Idioteque" has been described by others as an "apocalyptic" song, with possible references to natural disaster, war and technological breakdown.
The collision occurred when Zurich's air traffic control center was understaffed and plagued by technological breakdowns.
Though computer projectors are technologically advanced, they are not always completely reliable because technological breakdowns are not uncommon of the computers of today.
Nowhere is this more evident than in his images of technological breakdown, in particular those capturing car and trolley accidents.
An additional $1.1 billion, they said, went to help solve the looming Y2K computer problem, which some fear will cause technological breakdowns come the year 2000.
A theme well-covered in the novel is that of cultures suffering technological breakdowns who then proceed to revert to belief-systems along religious lines.
In it, nuclear disaster is caused by a technological breakdown that mistakenly launches American bombers to attack the Soviet Union.
And that's not the only thing different..." "Spare me the technological breakdown," Praktis grunted.