And at some point I fell behind the technological curve.
That has produced a male population comfortable with and knowledgeable about computers and a female population that is popularly thought to be a little behind the technological curve.
The report said the intelligence agencies were behind the technological curve in crucial areas, notably biotechnology, and woefully ignorant of important cultural issues.
A private agency, he said, has the "built-in incentive to spend the capital necessary to stay ahead of the technological curve."
Further out on the technological curve were proposals for prefabricated bridges, tunnels or overpasses, which would be moved into place with barges or giant towing rigs.
He focuses on emerging and disruptive technologies and evaluates and develops adaptive business models to stay ahead of the technological curve.
Whether the company becomes more than that will depend on whether it can manage its fast growth and stay ahead of the technological curve.
And its titillated oohing and ahhing attitude toward computer dating puts it several steps behind the social and technological curve.
The National Park Service, consistently behind the technological curve, had yet to graduate from a black phone tethered to a wall jack.
Other options seemed too complex or too far ahead of the technological curve.