For years, government standards have limited the range of colors available to broadcasters, based on the technological limits of the time.
The invention of loading coils extended the range to Denver in 1911, again reaching a technological limit.
A space elevator on Earth would require material strengths outside current technological limits (2007).
It pressed the noospheres to their technological limit and often, it seemed, beyond.
He said a central problem was not technological limits, but "the management structure, which is not adequate" to execute such a huge project.
Their goal was to produce the best instrument that could be conceived within current technological limits if price were no object.
The Cyclops system is not nearly this large, but we see no technological limits that would prevent its expansion to such a size.
But the high prices and technological limits of the new permanent downloads suggest that they may not be an instant hit.
These people were at the peak of their technological limits.
As the industry took off, we found probably more resistance from record labels than from technological limits.