As with all technological projects, the specific processes used in robotics development vary depending on the individuals and institutions involved.
Yes, and our subsidiary Comvec consulted with him on his technological projects.
However, small technological projects can easily be the necessary component to a major technological development.
They were, one might have thought, a fairly unlikely pair to work together as collaborators on the most difficult technological project ever tackled in Europe.
Designing such a system-of-systems comprises a major technological project.
It also allows for joint scientific and technological projects, conferences and workshops.
He calculates the expenses of financing high technological projects, usually with an old-fashioned abacus.
Michael and Paul where then asked to remain employed by the college and work on other technological projects for them.
In other words, our North African partners, for example, cannot become involved in scientific and technological projects concerning the environment.
Collaborative technological projects have a dubious track record.