The car, the plane, the industrial town were all legendary for the Futurists, because they represented the technological triumph of people over nature.
Not only was the powerhouse a technological triumph, it was also a striking piece of architecture.
'You may dial it, sir,' said the male operator, a note of technological triumph in his voice.
The drive is one of those technological triumphs that has seemed to wait just over the horizon for more than five years.
It is a technological triumph and is the archetype of all lighthouses since.
China's successful launching of a man into space last week was a technological triumph for a still-developing nation.
Groove was a technological triumph, but not a big commercial success.
The rockets were a technological triumph, and bothered the British leadership even more than the V-1s.
It's a technological triumph as well as an artistic one.
It was a technological triumph and a magnificent intelligence coup, or would have been had the Russians not know about it all the time.