You don't have to be a technology buff to appreciate a walk around the Princeton University campus.
He is the happy-go-lucky technology buff with vast mechanical and programming skills, as is evident with his construction of Eve and his power suit.
But Mr. Notebaert, a technology buff who oversaw steady growth at Ameritech, seems certain to have plenty of choices about where he will land.
DeWeese was actually a technology buff, a patron of the technologies.
Jim is a realtor, a technology buff and an avid reader, and I'm a communicator.
A 16-year veteran at Hewlett-Packard, she is not a technology buff.
The documentary is a feast for military and intelligence technology buffs.
I'm not a big technology buff myself, so I just didn't appreciate the insinuation that all greens (at least those who would use this app) are essentially hypocrites.
Fingerprint scanners are nothing new, but high prices have made them a tough sell for many technology buffs.
This fascinating assortment of curious old machines displayed in an old-fashioned, wood-framed glass cabinet will interest contemporary sculptors as well as history of technology buffs.