Along most of the edges of this craton are fragments of crustal material called terranes, accreted to the craton by tectonic actions over the long span of geologic time.
The area has not undergone much tectonic action, as all the visible layers of sedimentary rock are approximately horizontal.
The moon was too small for volcanic activity and its core registered as solid, yet it had magma and tremors and constant tectonic action.
Though these are admirable examples of tectonic action ....Is something wrong, Captain?
The marine sedimentary rocks which resulted from this tectonic action now give the town its character as they were often used for building material.
There's a wide body of evidence for this early tectonic era, she claims, but Hans is shaking his head: 'The andesite indicating tectonic action is younger than that.
The older rocks had been moved some 70 kilometres to the west over the top of the younger rocks due to tectonic action.
"I'd have to check scale," Kai said, disclaiming their fulsome compliments, "and, of course, we don't know how the polar region or the southern tip have changed with tectonic action. "
A portion of the Temblor Range drains into San Juan Creek, but the nearby Carrizo Plain has been cut off from the watershed by tectonic action.
Chris Pine, creator of the in-game map of Planet, strove to make Planet look like a real planet, which resulted in evidence of tectonic action.