Cocos Island is an oceanic island of both volcanic and tectonic origin.
So, all structures within Valhalla basin have impact or tectonic origin.
Under magnification one can observe many parallel shear planes of tectonic origin.
The few exceptions have tectonic origins where plate movements have lifted the deep ocean floor on the surface.
The lake is of mixed glacial and tectonic origins.
Because of its tectonic origin, several faults scar the land; as a result, the island is prone to earthquakes.
Qara Su is an island of tectonic origin.
To distinguish them from folds of tectonic origin such structures are called synsedimentary (formed during sedimentation).
However, their tectonic origins are largely unexplained and are a matter of going research.
The lake is of tectonic origin, with average depths of 20m, which gives a deep blue water hue.