Rogaland lies in a weak tectonic zone, allowing the river to dig into the surrounding sandstone fjord.
In the region, the Cocos, North American, and Caribbean Plates converge and create a tectonic zone of continuous seismic activity.
But it is believed that the tectonic zone controlled the geologic development of nearby basins and subbasins.
In the region, the Cocos, North American, and Caribbean Plates converge and create a tectonic zone of consistent and long term seismicity.
The double-sided orogen can be divided into several tectonic zones, from north to south, that are bounded by east-west-trending major faults:
The Carpathian Flysch Belt is an arcuate tectonic zone included in the megastructural elevation of the Carpathians on the external periphery of the mountain chain.
The Flysch Belt is together with Neogene volcanic complexes only tectonic zone occurring along the whole Carpathian arc.
Characteristic longitudinal valleys, geographically termed Doons, or Duns can be seen formed along the narrow tectonic zones between lineaments.
This crustal boundary is the Great Lakes tectonic zone.
The boundary that separates the two colliding bodies is the Great Lakes tectonic zone; it is a fault zone of highly deformed rocks.